Blood is essential for many organisms, such as humans and animals, for its important function of transporting substances (food, oxygen), vitamins, waste (carbon dioxide), hormones, etc. to all tissues and cells of the body.
1) Blood volume
If the blood volume increases ==> the blood flow increases.
2) Viscosity of blood
If we have an increase in blood viscosity ==> we have a decrease in blood flow
3) Peripheral Resistance
If there is an increase in peripheral resistance ==> the blood flow decreases
4) Diameter of blood vessels
If we have an increase in diameter of
blood vessels ==> decreased peripheral resistance ==> increased blood flow
5) Blood pressure
If the blood pressure increases ==> the blood flow increases.
6) In case of diseases
In the case of atherosclerosis or acute coronary syndrome ==> blood flow decreases.
7) Physical excercises:
During physical exercises ==> the heart rate increases ==> the blood flow increases.
I think that the correct answer to this question is D .
Grey and White Matter.
When looking at an image of trasnverse section of the spinal cord the grey matter is almost butterfly shapped and it has the central canal in the middle. The white matter is surrounding the butterfly shaped, grey matter.