The only ones that apply are:
The FCC created the doctrine to make sure that broadcast networks met their obligation to the public by giving time to viewpoints other than their own and those they agreed with.
The FCC created the doctrine to keep broadcast media from being too one-sided and assure that all viewpoints received equal opportunity in the media.
The Fairness Doctrine (1949–1987) is a policy developed by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) which required licensed radio and television broadcasters to cover controversial issues of interest to their communities, including by devoting equal airtime to opposing points of view.
Please edit you question with the edit option on the down right corner of the answer. Add the picture of the food chain or whatever your question is and I will surely edit my answer and change the answer to the answer of the question you want to have.
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For me i would describe it as dark and forboding storms
Flowers growing high blooming up towards the sky paint vibrant colors
Flowers in the ground withered gnarled turning brown fading back to dust
Chirping in the trees, in mid - air with beating wings tiny precoius bird
These are some of the most significant economic factors behind the stock market crash of 1929.