First scientist was Carl Linnaeus
<h2>2. Peter's maternal grandfather has PKU.</h2>
- Such type of the genetic disorder in which two copies of a gene must be mutated at a time is called autosomal recessive disorder such as sickle cell anemia, phenylketonuria, and some other diseases.
- When a sing copy of a gene is mutated in a person then this disorder is not appeared and the person is called a carrier.
- So when a child is born by two carrier parents then there is a chance that a child will be affected if both the parents donate mutated genes.
- In the case of Peter, since peter does not show this defect this means his maternal grandfather was affected by this disorder.
the answer is d ig........
Answer: The probability of getting a short winged fruit fly in the F1 generation is 2/4 or 1/2.
By using a monohybrid punnett square you should be able to come to the same answer.
The process of RNA editing is the alteration of the sequence of nucleotides in the RNA after it has been transcribed from DNA, but before it is translated into a protein. RNA editing occurs by two distinct mechanisms:<em><u /><u>Substitution</u> <u>editing </u></em>and <u><em>Insertion/</em></u><em></em><u><em>deletion</em></u><em> <u>editing</u></em>.
<u><em>Substitution editing</em></u> is the chemical alteration of individual nucleotides. These alterations are catalyzed by enzymes that recognize a specific target sequence of nucleotides:
*Cytidine Deaminases that convert a C in the RNA to uracil.
*<em />adenosine deaminases that convert an A to inosine,which the ribosome translates as a G.<span>Thus a CAG codon</span><span> (for Gln) can be converted to a CGG codon (for Arg).
<em><u>*Insertion/deletion editing</u></em><em><u /></em><u /> is the insertion or deletion of nucleotides in an RNA.
These alterations are mediated by guide RNA molecules that base-pair as best they can with the RNA to be edited and serve as a template for the addition( or removal) in the target.</span>