Britain, Australia and New Zealand all belong and abide by the British rule.
Answer: This is an example of HINDSIGHT BIAS.
Explanation: Hindsight bias is defined as the tendency for an individual to calculate too highly the ability to have seen the outcome of an event. It is also known as the knew-it-all-along phenomenon or creeping determinism individuals here feel they already know what will happen after it has happened.
The phrase "life is lived forwards, but understood backwards." is a typical example because for an individual to understand life backwards, it must have already happened. Which is what hindsight bias explains an already occur event. More like predicting the past.
Le Corbusier quotes, ' A house is a machine for living in' to describe the home.
He intended to explain that the guiding principle for architects should to create houses should be that the housing structure should be as well suited to its purpose like that of a machine. He was also in favor of better functionalism of a building in comparison to it having a good appearance and reinforced the same idea through the above mentioned quote.
Taking cue from this famous quote, Le Corbusier build Marseille, which was completed in 1952, and was a self-contained concrete vessel resembling the structure of an ocean liner.
To know more about Le Corbusier's style of architecture, please visit here:
the Kings taxes people heavily to pay for magnificent palaces and other luxuries.
Research means to study some topic carefully and discover new things from the given data or interpret data in a rational way.