The five types of consumers are, omnivore, herbivore, carnivore, scavenger, and detrivore/decomposer.
Fatty acids and glycerol best describes the basic structure of lipids. Fatty acids is one of the major components of triglyceride. It is a form of lipids that is used to store energy. Fatty acids are composed largely of a chain carbon atoms bonded with hydrogen atoms. At one of the ends of fatty acids is called carboxyl group. In terms of number of carbons, they are typically an even numbers.
Plant cuticle is a waxy covering over the aerial epidermal cells of all the plants. Waxes are composed of cutin and a various organic solvent-soluble lipids. The cuticle is an extracellular hydrophobic layer which provides protection against desiccation and external environmental stresses. In other words the cucticle helps to retain water and give plants an adavanthe to live terrestrial life.
1990. Do not let the partial collapse during 1980s confuse you.
Chinese they have got high birthrate than death rate