Cell membrane
Sumer has come up with a great analogy for a presentation she is giving in her psychology class. The membrane encasing a neuron only allows some ions to pass in and out of its channels. And she is going to describe this cell membrane as a guard only allowing some patrons to enter and leave a controlled area.
These are large molecules which are formed from the union of many monosaccharides units through condensation. Excess glucose in the body is stored in form of glycogen and can be hydrolyzed when glucose levels go down. Glucagon stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen into glucose.
Answer: d. on the plasma membrane
Explanation: Prokaryotic cells also synthesis ATP the limitations is that enzymes required for the synthesis of ATP are attached to the cell membrane which surrounds the cell. ATP synthesis complex of prokaryotic cells are embedded in the cell membrane. Prokaryotes lack mitochondrial/thylakoid membrane so therefore, ATP is produced on their cell surface membrane.