Explination: They are called this because they use the energy and simple inorganic compounds to produce organic molecules.
The correct answer is amygdala.
The amygdala is the part of the limbic system of the brain located within the temporal lobe. The functions of the amygdala include the processing of memory, emotional responses (fear, anxiety, and aggression), decisions.. It’s also a brain structure involved in turning on the stress response and actions that are related to stress and self-defense.
The answer will be A because mitosis usually separate the sister chromatids to sister chromosomes to form two diploid cells. In meiosis, the goal is to have four haploid cells. To form that, cells need to undergo cell division two times. In the case of meiosis I, sister chromatids stay joined together until it reaches meiosis II. Then, the sister chromatids will separate starting at anaphase II in meiosis II. For example, if you start with 92 chromosomes (46 chromatids) during meiosis I, at meiosis II you will have two cells with 46 chromosomes (23 chromatids). By the end of meiosis II, you should form 4 haploid cells that contains 23 chromosomes.
The correct answer would be -
1- YR, Yr, yR and yr.
2. Yr, yR
3. YR, yr
4. YR, Yr, yR & yr
A mature male or female haploid germ cell that fuses with another gamete of the opposite sex during the process of fertilization to make a zygote in sexual reproduction.
The law of Independent Assortment presented by Mendel says that alleles for different traits are passed and assort independently of one another in the gametes.
1. If Y and R on different chromosomes then they will produce four gametes and assort independently - YR, Yr, yR & yr.
2) If Y and R on the same chromosomes and no crossing over occurs then they will produce only two gametes as Y and R will not come together - Yr & yR.
3). if dominant Y and recessive r are on the same chromosome, no crossing over then only two gametes will form as Y and r will not assort together - YR & yr.
4). if dominant Y and R are on the same chromosome, 50% crossing over produces 4 types of gametes, YR, Yr, yR & yr.
The ABO blood group system involves two antigens and two antibodies found in human blood. The two antigens are antigen A and antigen B. The two antibodies are antibody A and antibody B. The antigens are present on the red blood cells and the antibodies in the serum.
agglutination means, (with reference to bacteria or red blood cells) clump together.