They should protect, promote and monitor human rights in the countries.
They should address the grievances involving state-owned companies, private companies providing public services, or companies that operate at the federal level.
Address certain type of human rights issues like labor rights
Address issues and complaints regarding human rights laws, violation of human rights.
The system of the rich getting a better deals or buying their way out, and the poor generally being screwed, even if they're innocent, is still pretty much in place.
Very weird question but it is the art or practice of bell-ringing!
Ashoka was the first socially aware ruler in human history that united the whole country under his peaceful reign.
- Ashoka was the Indian ruler from about 273/265. to 236 or 232 BC.
- Accepting Buddhism, he abandoned the conquests and devoted himself to building a state and its unity.
- Ashoka's reign was a landmark period in the cultural development of the country, covering almost all of India. Its edicts, carved on rocks, caves and columns, are the oldest dated epigraphic monuments of India; they are an important source for knowledge of the religion, culture and social relations of his time.
- Ashoka distinguished himself as an ardent promoter of Buddhism, sending missionaries outside India (to Ceylon and others). Shortly after Ashoka's death, his country fell apart.
Learn more on Ashoka on
Civil rights are the political and social freedoms that grant us equality. An example is the right to vote. Civil liberties refer to the rights that protect us from unjust oversight from governmental or other organizational interference. An example is freedom of speech.
The meaning of civil rights and civil liberties has always been blurred because both words are included in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. People often use these two ideas interchangeably. The emphasis in regards to civil liberties is the protection from unwanted government actions. Civil rights are the positive actions the government should take to make sure everyone in society is treated equally. Sometimes these dimensions of our laws are at odds, like when national security comes up against freedom of the press and their right to publish about government actions.