There are two ways in which programs ... count-controlled loops; condition-controlled loops ... Sometimes it is necessary for steps to iterate a specific number of times. ... A count-controlled loop is used when the number of iterations to occur is ... the variable 'count' is used to keep track of how many times the algorithm
Episodic memory are memory that enables a person to remember most important event that happen to them, which are unique to them and are tied to a specific time and place.
It can be the memory of every day events or experiences that occured to the person at a particular time and date.
Episodic memory is when an individual remember his /her date of birth or specific events and experiences.
Therefore Knowledge contributes vitally to the development of EPISODIC memory, or recollections of personally experienced events that occurred at a specific time and place.
The command:
find -empty -type f -exec rm { } \;
carries out the following steps.
1) Finds all the empty files in the current directory and its subdirectories.
2) For each of the identified files, it executes the command specified as the parameter to exec option,namely, rm <filename>.
So effectively it removes all empty files in the directory tree starting at the current directory.
In studies of technology and innovation, it is common to distinguish between different levels of technology. A common distinction is between technologies as processes or products and technology systems. Another distinction is between technology s hardware, software and orgware; sometimes socioware is added as yet another layer or category. In he studies, the focus is usually on a particular technology, either a process technology or product
Ž echnology with product technology broadly de In studies of technology and innovation, it is
common to distinguish between different levels of technology. A common distinction is between technologies as processes or products and technology. Another distinction is between technology as hardware, software and orgware; sometimes socioware is added as yet another layer or category. In the studies, the focus is usually on a particular technology, either a process technology or product.