Well thats false. They are only notes, not extra details.
You explain your situation, they send you a new computer, then mail to them the broken computer and later pay a $200-350 dollar fee. I think it depends on how much damage you made to it.
examples are:
com or .edu is a top-level domain name (TLD)
cornell.edu is a second-level domain name (SLD)
bigred.cornell.edu is a third-level or three-part domain name
project.bigred.cornell.edu is a fourth-level or four-part domain name
hope this helps you.
You could search up almost anything you want
they have a lot of storage
you can find good information
they help you with a lot of things
also how they can process information in seconds
Some hardware requirement: Monitor, keyboard, mouse, sound card, memory, processor, graphics display card. Some software requirement: Windows XP/Vista, Video for Windows, Quicktime.