Yes, the Bill of Rights still holds an important position in the Consitution of the United States.
The Bill of Rights is the term given to the first ten Constitutional amendments in the United States. Any modification to an amendment is a further amendment by description. It was meant to back up people's belief that powers not vested in the United States were retained for the people of the state. This amendment is critical as it ensures states retain control, sovereignty, independence, and freedom. Founding fathers of the American Consitution thought it thoroughly that individual rights of citizens should not be comprised by the powerful government and therefore I refrain to change anything in it.
Usually, these extra meanings are called, "connotations" since they are not explicitly stated, but the reader can take away a wide variety of meaning from them.
This can go many ways, as covered with mud is describing segment that is a term I dont know. but Garedn should be the Adj. bc it is describing what kind of tools are covered with mud.