capturaban personas nacidas en África que vendían luego como esclavos en las colonias inglesas, españolas y portuguesas en América. Los barcos europeos llegaban a las costas africanas cargados de productos apreciados por los jefes aborígenes que los intercambiaban por esclavo.
En persecución del Dorado se recorrieron el pais de sur a norte y de oriente a occidente hasta que por fin entendieron que para poder conseguir el oro tenían que sacarlo de las minas y aluviones. Para eso exterminaron miles de indígenas y después trajeron millares de negros como esclavos.
Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please.
All of the above were factors in this decision
It is possible that in time they could find forgiveness in their hearts for their enemies. They would probably never forget but it is possible to forgive.
Yes, it is possible to balance the pursuit of private goods over public goods and this balance is a desirable goal.
The pursuit of private goods over public goods can be balanced with the help of various government policies and taxes. This balance is a desirable goal in order to maintain the economic growth of each strata in the society. It enables the below poverty line strata to have access to the basic necessities. Though private goods provide fast economic growth, public goods offer the wholistic growth of the economy.