The total const is 13025 KWh
These are the steps to solve this problem:
- Convert all the powers from W to KW dividing by 1000.
- Convert all the times on minutes to hours dividing by 60.
- Then you can apply energy consumption formula
for any of the appliances. the results will be at KWh. - Sum all the consumtions and you will have the total cost.
Attached you will have a spreadsheet as a guidance. Any questions, just let me know.
Insertion point is represented by blinking vertical line
Piracy is a term used to describe the practice of obtaining or using software in a manner that is illegal or not in keeping with the terms under which the software was distributed. This can range from purchasing or copying the software, to using the software without a license, to selling, renting, or otherwise distributing it without authorization.<span>The Business Software Alliance estimated the losses to software companies in 2005 as a result of piracy at over $30 billion.</span>
the answer is going to be printer
A. Create a profile that has permissions to the VIP information and assign it to the VIP community users.
Salesforce is a customer rapport management platform that is based on the cloud. There are program applications for sales, marketing and services. The platforms are utilized to achieve an enhanced relationship with customers because they have a better understanding the need of their customers and how to solve their problems by organization and managing their customers' information and interactions.
VIP users will get access to the information they want when there are permissions set for the VIP users. VIP information will be given to the VIP customers in order for them to carry out activities that they need to do to execute their job.