A: She doesn’t accept the plate of food
Trust me, it’s A
The answer is: [A]: weave them into the syntax of your own writing.
This is the best answer and most preferred way to write an excellent essay. By doing so; and by accurately citing source(s) in addition, one avoids plagiarism—especially "accidental plagiarism"—and even shows credibility and thorough efforts (and often results in higher marks in an academic setting!) at a well-planned, well thought-out, well-researched paper.
Answer choice "B" is incorrect. This method is adamantly discouraged and often results in low grades in the academic settings; additionally, this method distracts and confuses the reader.
Answer choice "C" is incorrect. One should not "pad" one's paper, or include excessive, irrelevant, superfluous quotations—and should definitely not make them "as long as possible"! Doing so does NOT impress readers but rather distracts readers—and often leads to low marks in the academic setting.
Answer choice "A" is the best answer.
Wiesel uses the pathos appeal in his speech to evoke emotions in his audience. Wiesel uses the ethos appeal in his speech to establish his credibility with the audience.
Society thinks would be the correct choice here
America was started in 1776 with the declaration of independence, while George Washington the first and greatest President was in office.