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The surgical procedure is the rectal prolapse surgery
Before surgery
Stop any medication
Proper cleaning of the area
There are 2 method of approach
Rectopexy through the abdominal area
Surgical procedure
The surgeon places the rectum back to its place using a mesh sling or a suture (in rectopexy)
The surgeon pulls a little bit of the rectum out and removes it and rest is sutured back to the intestine (in perineunal approach)
Post operative :-
Patient have to stay a few days before being discharged
Painkiller are prescribed
Soft food is given
Ok so trazodone is basically supposed to help you for sleep. Taking it at night would be the best option so that you can sleep peacefully at night. If you take it in the day time, it would be less effective than it is for you at night. I would suggest talking to your doctor more about this rather than taking advice from me, who is nowhere near a doctor. Have a great day/night!!