e. instantly redeemable coupon
Instantly redeemable coupon -
It is the type of coupon , which is provided along with the goods or services , the person opt for , is referred to as instantly redeemable coupon.
This coupon , can be applied easily at the time of purchase and hence can avail the given discount.
These coupons are given , in order to attract more customers and increase the production.
Avoidable cost
An avoidable cost can be eliminated in a whole. Such a cost can be explained as an expense that would not happen if the specific activity is not done. These costs are relevant costs. A very good example of such a cost is labour cost. If there is a decision to stop a product line for example, all costs that have a relationship with this product line will also be stopped.
The correct answer is A
As per the UNICAP (stands for Uniform Capitalization) rules, the person have to capitalize the cost for creating the assets, which means or defines as to capitalize the raw materials, labor cost and other indirect as well as direct costs that is attributable to the production of the assets.
So, the costs which is to be capitalized in respect to inventory are the repacking cost, which is involved in the indirect supplies and other materials and the off site storage cost is involves in the rental of the facilities and equipment.
Answer: how much butter she buys at each price point.
Explanation: The demand curve shows how much a person chooses to buy at different prices. In order to graph the curve, we need to know how much butter Jenna buys when it costs $1, $1.50, and $1.75.
The correct answer is unwillingness of borrowers to obtain loans from banks to invest in factories or expansion of the firm.
<em>Given that:</em>
Leakage problem occurs or happens within an economy when the money goes out of the economy, which leads to a loss in the economic value of goods and services, and also leads to loss in profits making.
This would lead to an unwillingness of borrower's to obtain loans from banks in the expansion of the firm or to invest in factories.