Propaganda for the war
The man in front dressed very patriotic, in what seems to be the flag of the united states, infront of the white house. holding a shovel and a fire arm saying you can either fight for your country and be a hero or stay here and work. seem to give you a choose, but they want you to choose fight, cause people dont wanna work people want tobe heros
can you pls send a better pic its kind of blurry
Victory over the Persians, defeat by Sparta began the golden age. It ended due to the Peloponnesian War.
This refers to the Mayflower Compact. In general, they made laws and regulations that were supposed to be fair to all and had to be obeyed or you would face the consequences of your actions. This was followed by the phrase general good of the colony because in order for the colony to work as a whole they needed to have those regulations.
your opinion should be what you think of the artical.