I guess this would be one.... So one day I went to the mall with my family and as we entered a Starbucks barista screamed something I don’t remember what but he heard gun shooting and everyone in the mall started running as well as my family and we were freaking OUT, so we went out and yeah called my dad to pick us up and there were police everywhere ( it actually ended up being two men fighting on the top floor and people thought it was a gun shooting) but yeah it was scary
Why do people tend to believe nonverbal messages even when they contradict verbal messages? Nonverbal behaviors are completely involuntary and reflect people's true states. People will only attempt to control their nonverbal behavior when they are lying.
Since 2016, the amount of money was increased and nowadays, for each willful violation the penalty is 126 000$, unlike the previous times when it was 70 000$. This has increased a bit to 129 000$ due to inflation rates changing. Each repeated such violation will also cost 126 000$.
We kinda need to see what your talking about