a. greater market for goods and services
placebo control group
In order to determine that a drug has any effect in the body participants of a study are divided into two groups a group which actually receives the treatment and the other group receives a fake treatment. The participants are unaware of which group they belong to.
The fake treatment group is called the placebo control group. If the drug is actually effective then the placebo control group should not shoe the same effects that the treatment group is showing.
Here, the capsule received by group 2 looks like the capsule with the Ginkgo Biloba herb. The participants of group 2 should not show an increased blood flow to the brain. The participants of group 1 should show an increased blood flow to the brain. This would prove that the Ginkgo Biloba increases blood flow to the brain.
Los Artículos de la Confederación y la Unión Perpetua, conocidos como los Artículos de la Confederación, constituyeron el primer documento de gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América. Fueron aprobados por el segundo Congreso Continental el 15 de noviembre de 1777, después de varios meses de debate. Fue una directriz no obligatoria hasta su ratificación cuatro años después, el 1 de marzo de 1781. Los Artículos de la Confederación son considerados uno de los cuatro documentos fundacionales de la nación norteamericana.
Los Artículos formaron una confederación débil que unía a las Trece Colonias británicas norteamericanas, con la capacidad de gobernarse casi solamente en tiempos de guerra y emergencias. Tras el fin de la Guerra de Independencia y el comienzo de nuevas prioridades, sus limitaciones se hicieron evidentes. Este documento fue reemplazado por la Constitución de los Estados Unidos después de su ratificación el 21 de junio de 1788.
Answer: B: Offenders engage in direct forms of violence.
Explanation: According to the Britanica Encyclopedia "White-collar crime, crime committed by persons who, often by virtue of their occupations, exploit social, economic, or technological power for personal or corporate gain". White collar crimes tends to refer to a crime committed by a bussinessman or bussinesswoman who are more likely to be middle aged or older usually by persons from the middle class and sometimes but not very often the lower class. Fraud, money laundering, stealing company funds and embezzlment are considered white collar crimes. It is often seen as less serious when compared to other crimes because it does not involve physical violence. Public order crimes are not associated to white collar crimes. Financal gain is the ulterior motive of white collar crimes.
White-collar crime have been associated with the educated and affluent ever since the term was first coined in 1949 by sociologist Edwin Sutherland, who defined it as "crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation", however, these crimes have ceased to be exclusive to such groups.