Match or surpass ( a person or achievement)
This story is an important part of both Greek and Roman mythology because it is a story that connects the two cultures. I think that this story could be adapted for our current culture because it addressed issues that are still prominent in our society today. I would create a contemporary version of “Proserpine” featuring an alcoholic (Pluto) a young woman walking home from work at night (Proserpine) and an old lady who witnessed the kidnapping (Hecate).
I think C stresses the the point of the storm missing a certain area better most specifically. Mostly because it gives the direction that it headed after skipping a certain sector.

If I keep spending more money than I am earning, my bank account will continue depleting.

Depleting means reduction in something or act of reducing it .
1. to(prep) Chicago (obj)
2. by(prep) car(obj)
3. By(prep) afternoon(obj)
4. for(prep) lunch(obj)
5. near(prep) river(obj)
6. on(prep) water(obj)
7. for(prep) trip(obj)
8. of(prep) Chicago(obj)
9. at(prep) motel(obj)
A preposition tells where one noun is in relation to another noun. It is always followed by a noun, which is the object of a preposition. One silly way to remember most prepositions is to think about a squirrel and a tree. A squirrel can go (through, on, under, in, off, to, by...) the tree. There are a few prepositions that just need to be remembered such as for.