hey! hope this helps love!!
Britain effectively won the War of 1812 by successfully defending its North American colonies. But for the British, the war with America had been a mere sideshow compared to its life-or-death struggle with Napoleon in Europe.
The War of 1812 came to an end largely because the British public had grown tired of the sacrifice and expense of their twenty-year war against France. Now that Napoleon was all but finally defeated, the minor war against the United States in North America lost popular support.
Native Americans suffered 80-90% population losses in most of America with influenza, typhoid, measles and smallpox taking the greatest toll in devastating epidemics that were compounded by the significant loss of leadership.
Multiple musicians use improvisation at the same time.
Hot jazz can also be called Dixieland, and it can also be called traditional jazz. It is a subgenre of Jazz, but its differential is the constant improvisation of all musicians and singers, who can even improvise simultaneously, giving a bohemian tone, freedom, fun and diversity to music, different from New Orleans Jazz that it presented a fixed musical structure, where all the musicians followed melodies and compositions strictly established for each one of them.
A producer can include someone involved in the mining industry. Some of the factors to be considered before production starts are what are the grade and tonnage say of the metals involved? Also, the geometry of the deposit is important to know how to develop it ie open pit or underground or both. Also the economics must be considered ie what is the world market price of the metal in question and the prognosis for its future price?
The encomienda system was seen as a true trusteeship among the
population, as opposed to the repartimiento system which was seen as
abusive, and was thought to promote unethical behavior.