a growing population, aging seniors, disease prevalence or incidence, medical service utilization, and service price and intensity.
Terms in this set (7) What is the main topic of "Hygiene, Illness, and Medicine" from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England? Highlight details that reveal the central idea. There is no concept of "health and safety" in Elizabethan England, so you will inevitably feel vulnerable when you arrive.
The absence of estrogen may lead to many symptoms:
- Irregular periods
- Anovulation, and therefore, infertility
- Hot flashes
- Decreased vaginal lubrication, which can lead to painful intercourse
- Depression, because estrogen stimulates serotonin release
- Osteoporosis and bone fractures
- Weight gain
Usually the treatment for low estrogen levels is hormone replacement therapy (orally, vaginally or topically)
Toxocara canis
Predator prey route is the transmission method used by different protozoa. They enter the body of the prey when they eat an infected prey. They are infused in the blood of the predator and then resides there forming an infection. They overcome transmission barriers and enters the body of host.
Micheal might be suffering from diabetes insipidus.
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes insipidus is a condition in which the affected person has the urge to pee a lot and feels thirsty all the time. Even though it is not directly related to diabetes, it is named as such because the affected person has symptoms similar to diabetes. The two main symptoms are polydipsia and polyuria.
Cause of Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes insipidus is caused by the lack of production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH is produced by the hypothalamus which then gets stored in the pituitary gland. When the person was subjected to surgery to remove the entire mass of cancer cells in the pituitary gland, the ability of the gland to store ADH could have been lost.
The ADH allows the retention of water by concentrating the urine. In a person with diabetes insipidus, the production of AHD is affected, and in very rare cases the response by the kidneys to ADH is reduced which also reduces the water reabsorption and increases urine volume.
Learn more about diabetes insipidus here: