The National Consumer's League is an American organization that advocates for consumers on marketplace and workplace issues. As on of the things they do is to promote safer and secure workspace, I think they might have been protesting about factory's clean workplace.
The key ideas were mainly how adam and eve where given very simple instructions to obey god also known as jehovah. Those simple instructions were to not eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan was jealous of the almighty lord Jah, he wanted to be just like him but knew he couldn't so he sinned and rebelled against Jah. He persuaded eve to eat the forbidden fruit by promising her that she would be just like Jah knowing good and bad. She then told adam to eat from it and so he did disobeying god, he did it because he loved her more then god when Jahovah should have been put above everything else. Jahova then exiled adam and eve from the garden of eden punishing them for their sins. They had only one day to live which back then lasted 1000 years. Now today Jahovah witnesses carry out his will to preaching to those willing to obey god. Even though they are not prefect they try their very best to follow his righteous standards.
The Egyptians traded many items with Nubia. Three of the things they brought back from Nubia were:1. Gold2. Slaves3. IvoryNubia was an ancient region between what is now known as North Sudan, and Southern Egypt. It is situated along the Nile River. Egyptian traders travelled to Nubia by sailing along the Nile River. Because of its location, Nubia also controlled the trade between the rest of Africa and Egypt. The Egyptians eventually conquered the Nubians and called it the land of Kush.
B. Humiliation
was the most widely accepted way of punishement.