here are 5
solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, geothermal energy, Tidal energy, Biomass energy.
From observing the transit times through Earth of waves generated by earthquakes
It gave them new tech like steam engine by James Watt and Eli Whiteny with the interchangeable part
Here's what I think:
The phases are caused by the Earth's shadow (lit from behind by the sun) casting a piece of the moon into shadow. But because the moon orbits the earth those phases are only experienced the same way on one fixed part of the earth's surface. It's is the earth's changing orbit in space which really makes it seem as though the moon cycles through phases from a fixed position on earth. In other words, on the moon, in an earth day, you would actually cycle through all of the phases. Assuming you were on the earth-facing side, you would experience a strange type of day with the blocked out sun rising and setting behind either the earth or the moon twice a day. You would thus have two 'days' and two 'nights' in an earth day. On the 'dark side' of the moon, you would experience full day all of the time and no phases at all.
But I could be wrong.
Rising water due to the storm surge.
Low air pressure, tides, and wind-driven waves can combine to produce water levels that will flood beach-front property almost to the level of the second floor or higher, tending to reduce frame buildings to rubble or making them disappear altogether.
I witnessed the aftermath of Hurricane Camille in 1969. That Category 5 storm produced a storm surge of 24 feet, leaving no single-story frame bulidings still standing along the coast where it came ashore. Any 2-story homes still standing were missing the entire first floor.