We might fear rejection from the people closest to us. If you were talking to a stranger, for instance, you wouldn’t care too much if they judged you, because you wouldn’t be losing anything. Talking to the people closest to us can bring up the fear of rejection because if they hear something they don’t like, they might leave, or they might talk to you, or look at you differently, and it could trigger a paranoia, psychologically making you uncomfortable to be around them and therefore, you lose a relationship.
Jing-mei's mother took her to a <em>"beauty training school" </em>to get her daughter to look like Shirley Temple which only resulted in a disastrous look.
Amy Tan's short story "Two Kinds" revolves around the story of how a Chinese immigrant child is 'expected' to be a prodigy and made to 'be molded' with the American way of life. The story presents how the protagonist’s mother tried to 'help' her daughter make a name for herself in America.
In the given paragraph, Jing-mei narrates how her mother wanted to 'shape' her into becoming the next Shirley Temple. She wanted her daughter to become famous. So, she took her to a <em>"beauty training school"</em> and cut her hair, which only resulted in a much more disastrous outcome.
Answer:Act 5, scene 3. In the churchyard that night, Paris enters with a torch-bearing servant. He orders the page to withdraw, then begins scattering flowers on Juliet's grave. He hears a whistle—the servant's warning that someone is approaching.
hope this helped
An antonym for precursor is successor .
An antonym for interjection is long discourse .