The TDM was occasionally relieved by a large-scale Search and Destroy operation but the acceleration of writing the lead helicopter into a landing Zone was usually followed by more of the same hot walking with the mud sucking at our booth and the sun 13 against our helmets while and invisible enemy shot at us from distance tree lines
Here is the excerpt from A Rumor of War which best illustrates Vietnam's uncomfortable climate:The tedium was occasionally relieved by a large-scale search-and-destroy operation, but the exhilaration of riding the lead helicopter into a landing zone was usually followed by more of the same hot walking, with the mud sucking at our boots and the sun thudding against our helmets while an invisible enemy shot at us from distant tree lines.
I am not sure if you mean true or false is the answer or that there is more options, but I would say that reading quickly comes naturally to most people is true. I hope this helps you