is that our brains are not finished maturing by adolescence, as was previously thought. Adolescent brains "are only about 80 percent of the way to maturity," she said at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in November. It takes until the mid-20s, and possibly later, for a brain to become fully developed.
How do you use conflict in a book to make your novel a best-selling page-turner? ... A lack of conflict in stories is a common error among beginning writers. ... Cujo is a horror novel while the Little House books are about an American frontier ... also help to give a story in any genre micro tensions and resolutions that keep us
I hope this helped I got this off of google so yeah
Idk maybe look on google if not look up just telling of epics and it might say it in there
Tristan Harris helps the technology industry more consciously and ethically shape the human spirit and human potential.
It should be in chapter one, within the first few pages