To have laws and enfocement to enforce those laws and keep peace among citizens
the answer is: bring it home safely
The project was initiated during the period of space race, when united states compete with the soviet union to explore the space and hopefully bring home new resources that can benefit the nations.
The biggest challenge faced by the mercury program is that the pressure that a vehicles might face as pass through the atmosphere into the earth could make the vehicles explode and kill all the passengers in it.
Franklin's cartoon "Join, or Die" is a woodcut image of a snake divided into eight pieces, referring to the segmented nature of the eight colonies, it was published in his editorial about the "disunited state" of the colony groups, illuminating the issue of division among colonists. The initial intention of the cartoon was to incite unity between the colonies and Great Britain, however, the cartoon created more derision, whereby the colonies sought to unite against Britain. It has featured throughout history since its first publication and remains effective in it's message.
Socialists thought that a state-ran economy would en the depression