If cells couldn't specialize, then the heart and other important organs would not function because if all cells did the same thing, the human would be one massive organ.
Francesco Redi's experiment was the first experiment that disproved the theory of sponatenous generation. He explained that life cannot originate from the inorganic or non living matter.
He placed the two maggots in two different jars. The one jar is uncovered and contains meats in which maggots appear. The another jar is covered and no maggots appear on meat. This explains that maggots flies eggs are not formed in the covered jar as eggs are not available for the life. Maggots do not originate from the meat.Life originate from the pre existing life.
Hydrolysis, the diffusion of water across the cell membrane.
The important end product of cellular respiration is ATP.
The waste products of cellular respiration are carbon dioxide and water.
<span>1. Pose significant questions that can be investigated empirically.
2. Link research to relevant theory.
3. Use methods that permit direct investigation of the question.
4. The methods used to obtain data and test hypotheses should be benevolent and not malevolent.</span>