The citizens of the empire in Constantinople believed that they were the citizens of Rome. Even after the city of Rome fell in the Fifth Century, contemporary Romans felt that the empire survived by moving East. In this way, Eastern and Western Rome were one in the same. It was only later that historians designated the title Byzantine Empire to the remaining remnants of the Roman Empire in the East.
11. Freedom Summer Project
12. Freedom Rides
13. ended segregation in public places, banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and Signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson
14. I am not sure about this one but try these - used to attract southern white conservative voters, turned a formerly solid Democratic south into a Republican stronghold (I'm sorry if it is worng)
15. non-violence, civil disobedience, militant radicalism, ethnic pride and social services in urban communities
16. True
Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin.
Umm have you tried quizzlet