In Chinese society, the merchant class ranked below the A. Farmers and Aristocrafts.
cotton plantations
sorry if incorrect, but for colonial times this would be it.
Is false (F)
On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act or the Selective Draft Act becomes law:
"All male citizens, or foreign non-enemy male persons who have declared their intention to become citizens" between the ages of 21 and 30, must register for military service.
Although there were conflicts and protests (New York and New Jersey), alleged draft evaders, pejoratively called "idlers," were arrested around the United States.
Supreme Court Rules Draft Constitutional (Jan. 7, 1918)
The recruitment system remained effective until May 1919 when selective service boards and state recruitment headquarters were closed.
Cities and towns became more prominent during the Renaissance because they played a significant role in bringing a rebirth of art, sculpture and buildings in Italy. Florence, Venice, Milan, Naples, and Rome were some of the wealthiest city-states. Some of the renowned work during the Renaissance period done by artists, architectures, and philosophers. Serfs did not leave estates to seek more rewarded work in cities and town because they bound to their lords land to toil on farms.
Migration from African, South Asian, and East Asian countries is colored in racialized shades of yellow and brown. Way to be racist, 19th century. The map might seem a little hard to read at first.