The Custodian
A white Collar worker is one that works at a desk. A custodian is usually blue collar.
1. St. Marks
2. The mountains in the west were taller than the mountains in the east.
3. The middle United States has fewer changes in elevation than the western United States.
The purpose of the United States signing treaties with Native Americans was so that Native Americans can have land in North America.
An effect of the Industrial Revolution was that the wages around the world got better, causing a rise or hike in the wages of the people. This also caused a betterment in the standard of living, more money and purchasing power increased, and this caused growth in the economy. Several historians agree that the Industrial Revolution was the most important indents of our history
Answer: Wars waged with weapons
The German lands were referred to as "The Holy Roman Empire" in those days. Immediately following the death of Martin Luther, the prominent German leader of the Protestants, war broke out between the forces of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, and Lutheran princes. Charles V went to war against the Lutheran princes in the Smalcald Wars (1546-57) to try to force them back into adherence to Catholicism.
There were ongoing struggles in the years after that, which affected other territories in which Protestant reformers were active. There were wars in Swiss territories as well as in France. Ultimately, the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) was waged in the German territories (aka the Holy Roman Empire) by many of the nations of Europe over religion as well as other issues.