It might be four, because all three of them are apart of the axis powers.
Because Africans were poorly treated and everyone finally saw the way they were treated.
The US reported 58 220 American casualties in the Vietnam war, although it may be higher. The causalities of North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops definitely exceed more than American casualties.
Pure capitalism can be seen in the US. Businesses are run using capital. Those with the capital have a better edge in running the market. Capital investments, shares, labor, and industries are capital based.<span> The economy gets interconnected with capital. Thus, this makes the US a good capitalist model. However, in this design i</span><span>mprovements and profits are not equalized but heavily competed.</span>
<span>On the other hand in socialism, industries are all nationalized or operated by the government. </span><span> </span><span>The concern of this economic system is to equally divide the wealth among the people.</span><span> </span><span> </span><span>Everything is centered on the government to control.</span>