Written and oral communication skills.
Problem solving.
An investigative mind.
Observation skills and critical thinking.
Innovative thinking.
Good with statistics.
Commercial awareness.
A. decomposers transfer nutrients back to the soil
All fibers of the semimembranosus muscle are converged to insert on the posterior tibia.
Semimembranosus muscle is amongst the hamstring muscles that are present in the posterior region of the thighs. These are the muscles responsible for the extension of the hips and flexion of the knee. The innervation to this muscle is provided by the tibial nerve.
Tibia is also called the shinbone. It is one of the two bones of the lower leg. The bone carries the maximum of the body's weight and gains support from the fibula, the other bone of the lower leg. Tibia is also the most commonly fractured bone in maximum people.
To know more about tibia, here
an example is the ability to endure the sugar, lactose, in milk. In many places of the world, people can't drink milk in light of the fact that their body turns off the intestinal creation of lactase, a chemical that processes the sugar in the milk.