-Introduce who you are
-State the job your applying, or looking for
-Match your skills with the skills the company is looking for or that would be useful to the job you're applying for
-Make sure you have a formal, educated tone so youre more likely to be hired
A mound is a heaped pile of earth, gravel, sand, rocks, or debris.
<span>If the options are these then the answer is D.
A) Brooks, Sam. "Chimps and Champs." 14 Jan. 2010. Print. B) Oscar, and Amanda L. Thompson. New York: American Books, 2007. Print. C) Evans, Clyburn, Norma. "Saving our Rain Forests from Destruction." 10 Dec. 2009. Online. D) Lantz, Max R. The Habitat of the Chimpanzee. New York: Publishing USA, 2005. Print.
Hope I helped,
Ms. Weasley</span>
You can look at the words in front and behind it, because they refer to this big word. You may find a synonym of the word or a close reference. So for example in this sentence: I was excited and ambitious to learn about cars today. So this is a easy example. You can use exited to define ambitious if you dont know what ambitious means.