North America. NAFTA stands for north american federal trade agreement.
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Sure, America is a superpower. However, that does not mean that is it perfect. On the outside, to the rest of the world, America is heaven. Perfect everywhere. However, on the inside, it is not perfect. In fact, it is far from perfect.
Each country has its own problems. Sure, some of them can't be solved, like a geographical issue, or a monetary issue, but not this one. Sure, other countries have issues, but not as severe as this one. The impact is greater than most people will ever experience during their life times, even after dying. But this is worse than ever before.
As a country, we can't fix this. As a group of people, we still can't. We must not separate, or discriminate, but rather unite, collaborate, and become one. Bridges are not built on one big piece, but rather multiple that come together to hold the bridge. Like a bridge's support, you can help fix this issue. It's just a matter of whether not you are able to.