D. Same as the number of adenines
Thymine and Adenine will always pair together
I think it’s A... not sure! Because you have no A so maybe A
The cell wall is a rigid organelle composed of cellulose and lying just outside the cell membrane. The cell wall gives the plant cell it's box-like shape. it also protects the cell. The cell wall contains pores which allow materials to pass to and from the cell membrane.
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Answer the following: A. Agarose gels are used in gel electrophoresis to separate what type of molecules: B. At what concentration range (%) are agarose gels typically used? C. Indicate why the concentration of Agarose is increased or decreased in certain Agarose gel electrophoresis applications? D. Polyacrylamide gels are used to separate what type of molecules?
dr naJiiB ibrahim