c. mid-adulthood
This stage of life when gray hairs become overwhelming in number and he has more gray hairs than brunette( brown hair) is called middle adulthood. Middle adulthood spans from 20 to 40 years of life which may be defined differently for different culture and country.
Robert is in his late mid adulthood somewhere near 40 at this age hair generally grow grey.
is always a higher organism
lets take an example:
food chain consisting of zooplankton, small fish, big fish and man
as the order goes in the question ,the organism at the end of this food chain is man
Answer: the correct answer is energy-release from energy-yielding nutrients.
Thiamin is found in meals like cereals, wholemeal grains, meat, nuts, beans, peas. Thiamin is important in carbohydrates degradation in necessary products for the body. Thiamin is used for treatment or preventing deficiency in vitamin B1.
The moon's gravity pulls at the Earth, causing predictable rises and falls in sea levels known as tides.
The strong tug from the Moon influences the tides, animal life particularly in the intertidal zone would have to adapt fast.
The mood stabilizes earth