The Cherokee people have a long history in the Southeastern United States of Georgia. Historians documented their oral history in the 19th century that told the tribe had moved to the south from the Great Lakes area. The way of life and culture of the Native Indians in Georgia was profoundly influenced by the newcomers in the region. The native people had occupied the territory for centuries before the first European explorers appeared. The indigenous people's history was strongly affected by the Europeans who brought new traditions, concepts, beliefs, weapons, animals, and diseases with them.
The greatest change in the West that was brought about by railroad expansion was a drastically increased population size, since people could now claim land and travel far more easily.
The first Global Age, also known as 'the Exploration Age', was the period between Columbus discovery of the New World (1492) and the American Revolution (1770s).<u> During this time, globalization transformed the whole world when the Commercial Revolution took place. Commercial Revolution was the European expansion of the trading business that connected and also transformed Asian, American and African nations through political, financial, cultural and economic exchanges.</u>
Washington, with no hope of reinforcement, signed the surrender (written in French) not realizing that it was also a confession to having "assassinated" Louis's half-brother at the Battle of Jumonville Glen; the two battles in the woods did much to solidify each side's commitment to war.