La Marseillaise, French national anthem, composed in one night during the French Revolution (April 24, 1792) by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, a captain of the engineers and amateur musician.
In this example Hector is the appellant
An appellant is a person who is not happy or satisfied with the decision of a lower court and hence he/she appeals to the higher court for looking into the decision taken by the lower court with an expectation of reversing the decision of the lower court.
Since, Hector is also appealing to the higher court with an expectation of reversing the decision of the lower court, he will be known as an appellant
The correct option is "the national currency was too weak"
While the Southerners resigned their seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives, secession allowed the Republicans to approve proposals that had been blocked by the Southern senators before the war. Among these laws that were approved highlighted the Morrill Act, through which the important iron industry was protected; the Homestead Act, according to which all free citizens who applied for 160 acres of land not yet worked from the territories outside the Thirteen Colonies would be granted; the construction of a transcontinental railroad; the National Banking Act, with which the use of the national currency was developed and the Law of Legal Course of 1862, which authorized the use of bank notes. Fees on income to finance the war were also approved with the Tax Act.
I agree that slavery should have been abolished and that it was the right of every black man and woman to fight for their own freedom. I disagree with the Southerners who were cruel and kept slaves. It is <u>very</u> important that we remember our roots and that we don't make the same mistakes as the ones before us. As a proud American, I can say that I will stand for this country and protect the liberties of every man and woman. I believe that war was necessary for our country to realize the true meaning of freedom and that every soldier fighting to abolish slavery will not be forgotten.