The boy sat. That could be a subject. The predicate is the half-sentence you have right now. So, it could be The boy sat in the window seat on the plane.
A subject contains the noun. A predicate contains what the noun does.
Just bring up a subject , if you have a class with them then it should be easy so ask them to help you with a question or if there is any homework
I hope this helps :)
There <u>are</u> many old books in the library.
The car <u>skids</u> on the wet road.
I think the last bus <u>leaves</u> at eleven o'clock.
The baby <u>cried</u> all night.
They <u>do</u> not like daddy's new car.
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proj·ect man·ag·er
the person in overall charge of the planning and execution of a particular project.