Answer:in my opinion someone i trust or someone who can help me or that knows about what i need help with.
el awapit, achuar chicham, cha'palaa, a'ingae, siapedee, baaikoka, paaikoka, shuar chicham, tsa'fiki, wao tededo, andwa, y kichwa
E Non memini quid hapapeneda. E. S. Non creditis quia retro in bigas.
Apau kuai Yaj kuia uaiahwjw
Answer: hope this helps:)
He woke up on the wrong side of the bed: He woke up grumpy
She’s on cloud nine: She’s ecstatic
We‘re all in the same boat: We are all in the same situation
She gave me the cold shoulder: She kinda ignored you
Zip your lips: Be quiet