Many students coming into Woodworking 108 are bewildered by “all those little marks ... Parts of an inch will be referred to in fraction form instead of its decimal equivalent. ... on divisions of 2: 1” 2= ½”. ½” 2= ¼”. ¼” 2= 1/8”. 1/8” 2= 1/16”. 1/16” 2= 1/32” ... way is to realize there are 16/16 in an inch and count back 3 of the 1/16 ...
<span>editing the image file in a dedicated photo editing program before inserting it</span>
d. all of the statements are correct
Frame Relay is a high-performance WAN protocol that operates at the physical and data link layers of the OSI reference model. i.e Layers 1 and 2 They are designed to cope with bursty traffic. Frame relay is also a form of data networking based on packet switching in which the packets are variable in length and experience packet delays.
Based on the above definition the correct statement is option d as all of the statements define in the other option correctly defines the function of frame relay.