<span>A numeric string is created by a cryptographic
algorithm, which is called a hash that is used to validity of a message or authenticity
of a document. The signature is verified by an algorithm that uses the stated
owner of the signature's public key to accept or reject the authenticity of a
signature. A certification authority's digital signature is used to verify the
authenticity of digital certificates and other documents in a PKI.</span>
Following are the solution to this question:
The E-government implies use as part of the government systems to offer SMART, which is used to manage smart governance, ethics or accountability, sensitivity, and transparency. It is the research teams, that also shown that policies were progressing in India's creation of information technology. It is also argued against reducing the risk of bribery through improved public official surveillance and reducing its need for citizen engagement with porters with key services.
The answer is "smart guides".
length = float(input("Enter length of the backyard in foot: "))
width = float(input("Enter width of the backyard in foot: "))
sod_price = float(input("Enter the price of sod per square foot: "))
fencing_price = float(input("Enter the price of fencing per foot: "))
area = length * width
perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
cost = sod_price * area + fencing_price * perimeter
print("The cost of landscaping is $" + str(cost))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the length, width, sod_price, and fencing_price
Calculate the area and perimeter of the backyard
Calculate the cost, sod_price * area + fencing_price * perimeter
Print the cost