Mostly because the death rate fell tremendously.
The main causes of population growth had to do with diet and hygiene and health care.
The Agricultural Revolution (which started in the 17th century) led to better food production and thus better diet and nutrition for people, so healthier lives.
The Industrial Revolution (beginning in the mid 18th century) pushed cities to create better sanitation methods to avoid cholera and other disease epidemics.
And the ongoing advances in medicine ever since the Scientific Revolution were doing their part also to increase lifespans.
A wall at the border between the US and Mexico would be designed to prevent people from entering the United States illegally.That’s because walls work. It is a protective infrastructure that deters unlawful border crossings and other illegal activity where our natural barriers — such as rivers, mountains, and other impassable terrain — do not exist.
Eastman invented the first kodak camera.
Bell and Howell invented the all metal 35mm motion picture camera.
Um i dont know im just gonna guess,bananna,goth,prinsess,someone from a tv show, a clown?