That statement is True.
When a minor driving a car, they held on the same standard as an adult in term of the driving process and mechanism.
But the main difference between adult and minor driving is that adult shall always present in every minor driving. The mistakes that the minor did during the driving shall be held accountable towards the adult.
It means to laugh bitterly or sarcasticaly
Merton developed the concept of ‘anomie’ to describe this imbalance between cultural goals and institutionalised means. He argued that such an imbalanced society produces anomie – there is a strain or tension between the goals and means which produce unsatisfied aspirations.
Merton argued that when individuals are faced with a gap between their goals (usually finances/money related) and their current status, strain occurs. When faced with strain, people have five ways to adapt:
1. Conformity: pursing cultural goals through socially approved means.
2. Innovation: using socially unapproved or unconventional means to obtain culturally approved goals. Example: dealing drugs or stealing to achieve financial security.
3. Ritualism: using the same socially approved means to achieve less elusive goals (more modest and humble).
4. Retreatism: to reject both the cultural goals and the means to obtain it, then find a way to escape it.
5. Rebellion: to reject the cultural goals and means, then work to replace them.
During the Song period, women experienced subordination and social restriction, epitomized by footbinding
More about Song period
The song period or Dynasty is from China's 960-1279CE in comparison to the Tang Dynasty, women's political function and public appearance decreased due to the rebirth of Confucianism. In the Song period, foot binding also became common.
However, women in song period also had new and strengthened property rights, and achieving social mobility and political power was not entirely out of the question. In fact, there are numerous instances of lower class women who succeeded in gaining significant authority by giving the Imperial Court's higher echelons pleasure.
Learn more about song period here:
From 1942 to 1947, only a relatively small number of braceros were admitted, accounting for less than 10 percent of U.S hired workers. Yet both U.S and Mexican employers became heavily dependent on braceros for willing workers; bribery was a common way to get a contract during this time. Consequently, several years of short-term agreement led to an increase in undocumented immigration and a growing preference for operating outside of the parameters set by the program. Moreover, Truman's Commission on Migratory Labor in 1951 disclosed that the presence of Mexican workers depressed the income of American farmers, even as the U.S Department of State urged a new bracero program to counter the popularity of communism in Mexico. Furthermore, it was seen as a way for Mexico to be involved in the Allied armed forces. The first braceros were admitted on September 27, 1942, for the sugar-beet harvest season. From 1948 to 1964, the US imported on average 200,000 braceros per year.