women work as men women get ejucation to day ejucated women have big hand in the progress of country to day is Mariam muktair who is the first women pailot in history of Pakistan i solut her she gave the wav of Pakistani women to progress for country over the world know that without edjcated women no country succeed
B explaining that holding her in under her wing like portecting
ready the same sentance 2 then try to figure what it mean, recomand grammarly
Hi! If I were you, I would refer to notes given to you by your teacher, as I am not entirely sure what level this is or what your teacher is looking for, or how your teacher may define a theme.
Personally, I would choose:
A theme is a message the text conveys.
A theme is supported by details in the text.
A theme is seen over the course of a text.
Again, be sure to double-check with your notes and/or teacher to see how they define it, but in my opinion, I would choose those three!
Hope this helps!
its c
Enmity means the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.