Reasons for creating music include ceremonial purposes, recreational purposes, and artistic expression.
A composer or musician may have more than one purpose in mind when composing/performing a piece of music.
That’s just your millennial snowflake brain being unable to comprehend real work. My grandpa lost both his thumbs to frostbite while walking 29.67 kilomiles to school in 10 feet of snow in the summer uphill both ways and he could still wield any tool known to man. And he did so for 83 and a half years until they forced him to retire because he was making all the other workers look like pansies. When he was told he was being forced to retire, he marched into the CEO’s office and declared “I’d rather be dead than a deadbeat.” Then he dropped dead on the spot. Now that’s loyalty!
tonality, one voice,several voice, harmony, resulting sound
Program music is a technique that uses the sounds of instruments to paint an image of an object, character or scene in the listener's mind.
<h3 /><h3>Program music</h3>
It corresponds to a style of instrumental music with some extramusical meaning, such as an extramusical narrative, which can be derived from ideas, literature, legend, personal drama and scenic description.
An example of program music is the concerts "The four seasons" by Vivaldi, whose scores contain poetic inscriptions representing the four seasons of the year.
Find out more information about program music here:
Well let me explain this to you in a better way. The terms 'subprogram', 'function' and 'method' have all the same meaning in C/C++ but we usually called them functions, and we divide the functions into two types :
1)Function : it's the usual one, as we all know, it returns a value.
2) General format :
Type function_name(<arguments>){
// Your work
return <value/variable> //Note : the type must be the same as the function
// type.
Example :
int Maheen(int a, int b){
int c = a + b;
return c;
Procedure : it's a function but it doesn't return any value, it begins with 'void'.
General format :
void function_name(<arguments>){
// Your work
//Note : There is no return here.
Example :
void Maheen(int a, int b){
int c = a + b;
printf("The sum is : %d", c);
I think this can help you greatly