Lulu's self-absorption is an example of "adolescent egocentrism".
Adolescent egocentrism is a term that David Elkind used to depict the marvel of young people's failure to recognize their view of what others think about them and what individuals really think as a general rule.
All organisms grow, develop, and reproduce. Some organisms reproduce on their own, producing an identical offspring through asexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction two parents combine their DNA to produce genetically unique offspring.
In asexual reproduction, what is produced is basically a clone. Since the organism is reproducing using only its own genetic material, no combination happens. The new organism is genetically identical to its parent. Examples of organisms that reproduce this way are bacteria and hydras.
On the other hand, sexual reproduction produces individuals that are genetically different from their parents. Part of their genetic material comes from their father, and the other part from their mother. That is the case with humans, for example. A DNA test can show you are your parents' son or daughter because part of your material comes from each of them.
The correct answer is letter "C": young adulthood.
It is generally accepted that there are four (4) stages in the life course of people: <em>childhood, adolescence, adulthood, </em>and <em>old age</em>. However different focuses identify shorter transitions between one stage and another.
Young adulthood, for instance, represents the phase of life between adolescence and adulthood. People are in their late teens and early 30s. Individuals' health is at ist best in this period in which they <em>assume more responsibilities, become independent, and start looking forward to settling down.</em>