architect because they need to determine the length, width, and height of objects, they need to use area to see if there's enough space for what they want to build, etc.
Step-by-step explanation:
I'll proceed by evaluating total length and surface area by scanned images. For measurements, I suggest to use winrhizo or any similar software. In this case the most important thing to think about is to use the appropiate acquisition parameters, I mean, to set a good resolution during scanning. Pixels of the aquired image should be smaller than root hairs diameter. Therefore, let me try to suggest you a good acquisition resolution. Making a quick research, it seems that hair root diameters range between 0,012 and 0,017 mm, so I suggest a resolution that will give a pixel dimension of 0,002 mm. Root hair diameters should be composed by 6-8 pixels, that is enough for winrhizo measurements. Resolution is measured in dpi, so in "dots/pixel per inch". A inch is 25,4 mm. We need pixels with a diameter of 0,002 mm, so in 25,4 mm we found 12700 pixels. That means 12700 dpi. It's a very high resolution, you need a good scanner and much space in your computer.